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Related fire prevention knowledge that should be known when using warehouse tents

Related fire prevention knowledge that should be known when using warehouse tents

A warehouse tent is a place where materials are centrally stored. Once a fire breaks out, the economic loss will be huge, the social impact will be huge, and the consequences will be serious. High temperature and dryness in summer are also the seasons for warehouse ceiling fires. Therefore, it is very important to carry out fire prevention work in the warehouse tents to ensure the storage of materials and reduce fire hazards. The fire department reminded to strengthen the fire prevention work of warehouse tents, it is very important to master the common sense of fire prevention.

   The basic characteristics of warehouse tent fires: General warehouse tents are stored in the form of shelf storage, and there are relatively many stacked items, including many combustibles. Once a warehouse tent catches fire, due to the large amount of combustibles, the large amount of accumulation, and the high density, it will quickly spread and burn, accompanied by a large amount of smoke and toxic gases, which can easily cause personal injury.
  Some warehouses were in a smoldering and heat-storing state due to lack of indoor air when the tent caught fire. Over time, this is hard to find. There are relatively few tent management personnel in the warehouse, and fires often occur, and they cannot be detected and reported to the police in time. Some people discovered that the fire brigade was on the scene, and the fire expanded, burning a lot of materials in a short period of time, causing huge economic losses.
The main reasons for the fire in the warehouse tent: First of all, the warehouse tent personnel are not well managed, there are chaotic, chaotic buildings, messy piles of debris, and even the fire room is changed without permission, fire isolation, and fire protection facilities cannot be fully utilized Wait, some warehouse tents do not arrange designated personnel to conduct rotation inspections, and some managers eat and live in the warehouse area, which can easily cause fire hazards.
  The lighting management of the warehouse tent is not good, mainly due to improper lighting of the warehouse tent, not installed as required, poor construction quality, high temperature lighting, improper installation of the bulb position, please turn off the power and dissipate heat to cause a fire. The fire protection requirements of warehouse tents are not strict. There are mainly fires caused by illegal logging, unlicensed fires, fires caused by violation of laws and regulations, fires caused by illegal fires, fires, smoking, and loading and unloading operations.
   Dangerous goods, chemical warehouse tents are not stored separately, poor ventilation and heat dissipation, moisture and fire prevention, cooling measures are not effective, stacking is not standardized, lack of professional knowledge, chemical reactions in the inventory due to spontaneous combustion, combustion or explosion. The lightning protection facilities of the warehouse tent do not meet the requirements. Poor maintenance of lightning protection facilities or blind spots in lightning protection design. In the event of a thunderstorm, air transport and freight transport have high humidity, which can easily cause lightning strikes.

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